VW California Beach ir daudzpusīgs un ietilpīgs kempervens, kas paredzēts tiem, kuri meklē komforta, stila un praktiskuma apvienojumu. Šis ikoniskais transportlīdzeklis var lepoties ar elegantu virsbūvi un labi izplānotu salonu, tāpēc tas ir ideāli piemērots gan īsiem gan gariem ceļojumiem, piemēram nedēļas nogales braucieniem tepat pa Latviju, nedēļas vai divu kruīzam pa Baltiju, kā arī, nopietnākām trīs līdz četru nedēļu garām ekspedīcijām pa visu plašo Eiropu. Pateicoties elastīgajai sēdvietu konfigurācijai un manuāli paceļamajam jumtam, Beach ir lieliski piemērots četru cilvēku kompānijai un pat ģimenēm ar trīs bērniem nodrošinās mājīgu guļvietu un daudz brīvas vietas līdzpaņemtajām mantām.
Izvēlieties vienu no divām papildus virtuves moduļu opcijām kuras tiek instalētas kompaktu moduļa formā. Aizmugurē no bagāžas nodalījuma izvelkamo Big Kitchen vai arī salonā ievietojamo Small Kitchen. Abas virtuves ir labi aprīkotas, lai maltītes pagatavošana ceļojuma laikā būtu viegla un ērta. Paceļamais jumts netikai nodrošina papildu divas guļvietas, bet piešķir kempervenam gaisīguma un plašas telpas sajūtu. Lielie logi un panorāmas jumta logs nodrošina lieliskus skatus. Dienas laikā tie piepilda salonu ar dabisko gaismu, bet naktī romantiķiem pavēr skatu uz zvaigžņotajām debesīm.
VW California Beach ir konstruēts tā, lai ar to būtu ērti braukt ne tikai pilsētas sastēgumos, bet arī lai mērotu lielas distances un veiktu diennakts garos pārbraucienus. Tas apvieno sevī vieglās automašīnas veiklību uz ceļa ar klasiska kempera komfortu un ērtībām brīžos kad Jums ir nepieciešama atpūta vai vēlaties ieturēt pauzi. Brauciet piedzīvojumos ar stilu un gūstiet neaizmirstamas atmiņas ar VW California Beach Space kempervenu.
Nadine Berg2024-10-21 We have booked a California Beach Space for a bit over 3 weeks and had a wonderful trip through all of the Baltic states. The van was in perfect conditions and the price was unbeatable! Though not luxurious it was perfect for what we needed/wanted for our trip. Communication with VanBaltic was good before, especially during and after our trip. The owners really want you to have a good time and do everything possible to ensure exactly that. We would highly recommend VanBaltic for small or longer trips! Juris Rāts2024-09-30 Lielisks serviss, kvalitatīvs buss. Ļoti ērti vadāms un pārsteidzoši ietilpīgs. Noteikti iesaku, jo īpaši tālākiem ceļojumiem ar komfortu Darius Musteika2024-09-20 We rented a van for a week trip in Latvia and Lithuania. Has been a very pleasant experience renting from VanBaltic. Very professional and helpful, van was as new, and had any issues during our trip. Furthermore received good suggestions and guidance on were to start the trip , and which apps to use etc. lia ruho2024-09-20 Wir haben den VW California Mitte September für 12 Tage gemietet. Von der ersten Kontaktaufnahme per Mail bis zur Abgabe des Fahrzeuges war die Betreuung außerordentlich freundlich, hilfsbereit und speditiv. Der Van war sauber und wurde in einwandfreiem Zustand übergeben. Transfer ab Flughafen hat reibungslos geklappt sowie die Organisation von VanBaltic zurück nach Riga-City ebenfalls. Während der ganzen Reise stand VanBaltic jederzeit und unkompliziert zur Verfügung. Persönliche Bedürfnisse wurden berücksichtigt sowie Tipps für die individuelle Reiseplanung wurden gegeben. Wir buchen gerne wieder, absolut empfehlenswert! Douwe Buzeman2024-08-28 Great Van, good service and fantastic experience in the Baltics. Dutchglow2024-08-24 We’ve rented one of the camper vans for a week for a camping trip through Latvia and we absolutely loved everything about the whole experience! The VanBaltic team helped and guided us through the whole transaction in an admirable way and we’ve stayed in touch during the trip too for tips etc. If you’re looking for the premium van rental company in the Baltics, this is your go to company of choice as far as I’m concerned. Kind wait to come back and do another camping trip! Thank you again, Armands & team VanBaltic. Waar is Marleen2024-08-13 We had a great experience with Van Baltic! We rented a campervan for two weeks to explore the beautiful baltic countries. Armands is a very trustworthy person and gives a very detailed tour of the van before the trip. After this, we felt very safe and confident to start our amazing roadtrip! During our vacation, Armands kept in touch, warning us for a storm and asking if we were enjoying ourselves. We certainly were enjoying ourselves very much! The van is really well equipped and very comfortable to drive in. We had to get used to the firm mattress, but after two nights getting used to it, we slept perfect. Returning the van was a very pleasant experience, we were welcomed back with coffee and a recap of our trip and Armands took us to our hotel, which was closeby and a great service of him. On the same day, Armands informed us that he returned our full deposit. So to recap: great service, great car, fantastic adventure and a very trustworthy company! Dzianis Kostuseu2024-08-07 Seamless experience! Great camper, great people with the right expertise. Special thanks to Armands for the guidance and fast service, will be back for sure. Alexander Moradi2024-08-02 We had a very good experience. Armands instructions were very clear getting us on the way the same day. Van was latest built and without any hassles. When there was a heavy storm we could shift the return time. We highly recommend Van Baltic, prefessional, clean, friendly! Also keep an eye on the discount options 😉 Justin Wimpey2024-08-02 Great team to rent a camper van from. Extremely easy to communicate with via WhatsApp. They've put together videos to watch on the van beforehand. Super helpful with questions, and a pleasure to deal with. We used the camper for a wonderful trip through Sweden and Norway, and then took the ferry back to Latvia. Highly recommend the Van Baltic team, and we look forward to renting from them again!
Vai plānojat ņemt līdzi velosipēdus vai arī nepieciešama papildus sega un spilvens? Iepazīstieties ar mūsu plašo nomas aprīkojumu klāstu un izvēlieties sev nepieciešamās lietas, kas uzlabos Jūsu ceļojuma pieredzi, nodrošinot neaizmirstamus piedzīvojumus un paliekošas atmiņas.
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Negaidiet vairs! Rezervējiet savu ideālo kempervenu jau šodien un dodieties mūža piedzīvojumā.
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Upleju iela 7, Mārupe,
Mārupes novads, LV-2167
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2025 © VanBaltic. Visas tiesības aizsargātas